Simple Smart Solutions
Stone Productions' Aviation Products. Free to Try!
On request these products can be adapted to any aircraft type.
Aircraft Weight & Balance Calculator
This application is an aircraft weight & balance calculator with which you can build extensive crew (who), equipment (what), loading locations (where) and configurations (who & what => where) lists. Once set up, extensive W&B calculations are easily executed by simply selecting a flight profile with certain configurations. Click to download and try:
AW139 W&B Application
Here are a few printouts from this app.
This App has 2 levels of access. One for regular users and one for W&B Subject Matter Experts (SME). SME's can set all aicraft and company standard data. Regular users can select from the different standardised options.
see WB-Info sheet in the app for more info.
This application is set up for AW139 Helicopter. This application can be adapted to any aircraft type. Stone Productions can set this app up for any aircraft type, company specific layout and loading configurations and train W&B SME's to use the App with Admin access if desired.
Aircraft Performance Calculator
This application can quickly 'run through AW139 flight manual performance graphs' for you. By just entering weight, temperature and pressure altitude this application will produce a whole range of performance data accordingly. It will even draw the lines in the graphs for you!.
AW139 Performance Application
Here are a few printouts from this app.
For all calculated performance parameters, the flight manual graphs with lines representing calculated data are presented in different sheets.
This application is developed for AW139 until 6400 kg. If additional graphs need to be worked out or similar program for other aircraft types is desired, Stone Productions can develop this on providing current fligh manuals and agreement to conduct cooperative quality testing.
Pilot Logbook
With this Excel spreadsheet you can keep your flight records digitally. It will calculate currencies and off course summarize flight records for any desired period. Click to download this all-time freebee:
Stone Producions Free Pilot Logbook
Here are a few printouts from this app.
If you appreciate this Excel-logbook, give the developer a 6-pack!
These products can be adapted to any aircraft type and specific company requirement. Just contact Stone Productions for a quote.
These products are free to try. After applicable trial period a subscription is required. To get a subscription click this link: