About Fatigue Predictor Pro Support

This interactive website is designed to support administrators using the Fatigue Predictor Pro app.
With this website all user data can be viewed, sorted and filtered to analyse all uploaded data from the app. A great tool for reporting purposes.
User-labels and Passwords can be altered with this website after login.
Users can login but the access to data is limited to their own uploaded data (use allocated User-code).
Only administrators can access all organisational data (use administrator email address).

Please use below links to find all information on the Fatigue Predictor Pro app.

Fatigue Predictor Manual
Fatigue Predictor Pro on the Apple App Store
Fatigue Predictor Pro on the Google Play Store
Fatigue Predictor Tutorial Video
Fatigue Predictor Promotions Signup
Fatigue Predictor on the Apple App Store